martes, 30 de agosto de 2016

Cause and effect of the missue of natural resource

The Environment influences an organism's life in many ways. It is everything that surrounds an organism and it includes physical and biological components. The physical components of the environment are soil, water, air, light and temperature. These are termed as abiotic components. The biological components are plants and animals, collectively referred to as biotic components. Air, water, soil, minerals, coal, petroleum, animals and plants are referred to as natural resources.

Types of natural resources:

Inexhaustible Natural Resource: the inexhaustible natural resources are unlimited in nature, and they are not likely to be exhausted by human activities. Example are solar radiation, air, water, precipitation (rainfall, snow fall, etc.,) and atomic power.

Exhaustible Natural Resource: the exhaustible natural resources are limited in nature and are liable to be degraded in quantity and quality by human activities. Examples are forests, soil, wild animals, minerals, fossil fuels etc.



The only way to protect the rivers and oceans of Costa Rica is to have impact studies involving local community and scientific assessment; this is in order to give diagnostic credibility and to prevent more crimes against nature from industries and giant mega-projects that alter and damage the surrounding areas near water sources above and below the ground. Pollutants dumped into the river alter surrounding areas and fresh water supplies. This is as old as the industrial age.

The government of Costa Rica should punish those responsible with large fines and sanctions, such as cleaning up the mess and replacing all the fish and shrimp and other flora and fauna damaged before their operation license is returned.

1. What is the best option to keep waters clean? _________________________________________________________

2. What does the construction of big commercial companies cause? _________________________________________________________

3. The author of the article considers that local authorities must __________________________________________________________

Enviromental Vocabulary

  • acid rain 
  • carbon dioxide
  • chemicals 
  • climate change 
  • conservation 
  • contamination
  • deforestation 
  • eco-friendly 
  • ecological 
  • ecologist 
  • ecosystem 
  • effluent 


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